Westwood Park Gatehouse
(765) 987-1232
The Westwood Park Gatehouse is staffed around the clock during the open season and can be accessed by phone or in person for any questions or concerns you may have. There are two shifts of gatehouse attendants during the day and a night watchman, so feel free to call or stop by anytime.
Gatehouse Shop
Available for purchase at the gatehouse:
- Annual Entrance Passes
- Bottled Water
- Snacks
We accept cash, checks and most credit cards.
It is important for us at Westwood Park to maintain a family friendly and safe place to visit. That is why we encourage the patrons of Westwood Park to please report any of the following to the gatehouse right away:
- Suspicious activity
- Bad behavior
- Swimming
- Inappropriate language
The sooner we are made aware of any problems, the more quickly we can resolve them. All calls will remain confidential.